Mind Spa Mentor Services





Patricia Armour

Patricia M. Armour

Mind Spa Wellness

10806 Reisterstown Road, Suite 2A

Owings Mills, Maryland 21117

CALL  410 - 356 - 3377

Email: patricia@mindspamentor.com

A Time to Quiet your Mind

A Place to Heal your Body

A Pathway to Renew your Spirit

A Mentor to Guide your Soul

A Philosophy to Transform your Life

Take the Journey of a Single Thought to…

Empowerment – Enlightenment – Excellence

Success Formula

Five Great Powers

Happiness Profile

Mind Spa System

Stress Fitness


Mentor Coaching • NLP Hypnosis • Mindfulness









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Thank-you for providing your name and email address. This information will never be sold and will only be utilized by me for sending to you my monthly Newsletter “The Lotus Garden,” filled with self-help wisdom.

As a thank you, here is my “Seven Keys to Happiness” to guide and support you in your personal journey.

Learn the secrets to daily joy and lasting fulfillment with these familiar insights and new thoughts on how you can begin living a happier life this year. Enjoy!     

Patricia M. Armour, MHS, CHt., NLP

“Seven  Keys  to  Happiness”

-By Patricia M. Armour


The Universal Law of Desire

  1. JOY  

The Universal Law of Trust


The Universal Law of Harmony in

Laughter and Playfulness


The Universal Law of Belief and Enthusiasm

  1. BLISS  

The Universal Law of Love and Oneness

  1. JUBILEE  

The Universal Law of Appreciation

in Celebration


The Universal Law of Acceptance and Peace

The CORNERSTONE KEY to Happiness is…



The Pursuit of Happiness

What does happiness mean to you? The pursuit of happiness is universal. However, happiness is not a destination; it is the pure joy of being alive, and it is something you bring with you wherever you go because it is that internal peaceful place of where and how your soul lives. Happiness is an unlimited resource available to anyone who mindfully focuses on ways to experience more of it.

Happiness is Within

You possess everything you need to be happy right now, at this very moment, and for the rest of your life. In the wise words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Your happiness is a state of mind and a state of conscious being, which encompasses seven soul-centered states of happiness – your life transformed moment-by-moment. Happiness is living a life of meaning and purpose. We choose happiness moment by moment, and this gives us direction, meaning, and purpose in life. True happiness is transcendent in its grace to sustain us in all the moments of our life. How can you find daily joy and lasting happiness? The important questions to ask yourself is not what will make you happy; but why do you want to be happy. The answer is that we pursue happiness because it is our nature to do so; true happiness is the highest purpose in the hierarchy of goals.

Happiness is a Choice

Right now, in this moment, you can choose your thoughts, choose your feelings, and choose your future. One new perception, one new belief, one new affirmation is all it takes to begin to experience your world and your life joyously. It is never too late to choose to enjoy this moment and to choose a better future for yourself. The cornerstone key to a happy life is how frequently you are happy, not how intensely you are happy. Life is an ever-changing fluctuation of coping, communicating, choosing, caring, committing, creating, connecting, and celebrating. When you choose to be happy, you are choosing to be your true self again. You can expand your current state of happiness. Are you ready to enjoy life more fully?

First Key of Happiness is Pleasure -

The Universal Law of Desire

It is an immediate antidote to the negative feelings of boredom, anxiety, and stress of life. It is a temporary state of instant gratification and personal satisfaction. It is the comparison of an internal state of being to an external experience, which creates desire. Pleasure is derived from things and experiences you desire that exist outside of yourself that touch you on the inside in such a way as to bring you personal glee or satisfaction. What gives you pleasure that you haven’t experienced lately? Perhaps it’s listening to your favorite music, watching a movie, reading a new book, eating an exotic food, visiting or calling a long-distance friend, playing with your children or pets, or taking a joyride in your car? Rather than stay focused or always alert to worrying about life’s problems and solutions, let your mind rest by simply spacing out, and indulge in the pleasure of becoming open and wondering by happily meandering in fun ideas and creative thoughts. When you give yourself permission to desire, and then gently indulge in the pleasure of it all, you are in a soul-centered state of happiness.

Second Key of Happiness is Joy -

The Universal Law of Trust and Knowingness

Joy is an internal state of spiritual understanding that all life is embraced by divine love. Joy is a lasting state of happiness based in your acute awareness of life and enduring faith in the universe. With a trusting mind, you can joyfully embrace all of life. Joy comes from within you; it is not created by things outside of you. Joy is created in your mind by your thoughts and feelings and nothing else. No one or no thing can give you joy because it is a gift you create within your innermost self. Joyfulness is belief in your own goodness. With joyful expectations, you can fully enjoy who you are, what you have, and what you do throughout life. Joys are lasting blessings that give you a lift of inspiration, such as the birth of a child, the closeness of a best friend, an empowering decision, a sense of accomplishment, a comfortable lifestyle and home, etc. What are your joys? Look around your home at something beautiful which gives you joy. Perhaps it’s the photographs of loved ones, gifts or mementos reminding you of special people and moments in your life. Relive the good feelings you experienced during happy moments of your life to renew your faith in goodness, your trust in joyful expectation, and your awareness in the lasting blessings bestowed upon your life. Joy is a constant renewal of the conscious state of happiness. When you renew your spirit through trust and faith, and do everything with joyful expectation, you are in a soul-centered state of happiness.

Third Key of Happiness is Humor -

The Universal Law of Harmony in

Laughter and Playfulness

When you take yourself too seriously, or try to control what cannot be controlled, or hold onto feelings of resentment or regret, you block the flow and harmony of happiness that exits in your life. The balance between pressure and pleasure is laughter and a sense of humor. When was the last time you genuinely laughed? Laughing is healthy. Develop your sense of humor and bring laughter into your life by watching a funny movie, watch a comedy channel on television, go to a comedy club, read a funny book, or log onto some satirical, heartwarming, humorous, or playful internet websites or YouTube. When you lighten your spirit with laughter, you are in a soul-centered state of happiness. Childlike playfulness can free the mind and create comfort, harmony, and a simpler time where you can forget troubles by playing. How do you like to play and have fun? Take time out to do something that you consider is play. Real fun and playfulness makes you more alive, smiling at life. It involves creativity, spontaneity, kindness, silliness, a sense of freedom, and connects you beyond words to your playmates with a fun-shared experience. When you are childlike in playfulness and cheerfulness, you are in a soul-centered state of happiness.

Fourth Key of Happiness is Positive Attitude - The Universal Law of Belief and Enthusiasm

If you have difficult relationships, habits, patterns, or behaviors in your life, think of what changing your attitude toward these difficulties in your life would do to bring you happiness. Happiness is an internal state of consciousness that is the result of cultivating positive states of mind and eliminating negative thoughts. Focus on the number of positive thoughts you have in a day. This is a powerful way to develop happier inner self-talk, self-confidence, patience and a positive attitude. Let go of mistakes, and what’s wrong with your life. Focus on what is right, and make a list of what is positive in your life. You can develop solution-focused optimism in difficult situations by using positive thinking when faced with a challenge by telling yourself that you believe in yourself to have the capacity to effectively handle things with a positive action that you can take to reach a better outcome. To boost your self-esteem, place a happiness quote where you will see it daily, such as this quote from the movie, E.T., “I will believe in you every day of my life.”

Hope is a state of mind and an important spiritual discipline that keeps you moving toward a happy future. Enthusiasm is a natural energizing zest for living. Uplift your spirits with inspirational quotes, books, artwork, music, and people. When one door of happiness closes, another door opens. Look at what is before you and make yourself aware of what door to happiness is open to you now. No matter what your current circumstances may be, it is never too late to start over. Think of all the successes you have already experienced in your life. What do you want to be, have, do, or experience in life that would give you happiness? Set a goal that matters to you. Achieving goals that satisfy an inner longing will bring you greater happiness. Happiness is contagious. Connect with happy people, talk about happy events and good news, and encourage others to share happy moments and happy states of awareness. When your focus is a positive attitude, a belief in yourself, and enthusiasm for life, you are in a soul-centered state of happiness.  

Fifth Key of Happiness is Bliss -

The Universal Law of Love and Oneness

Bliss is the knowingness that you are lovable and beloved. Knowing that you are loved is humbling, yet wonderfully amazing as you realize that your being in the world matters. Each day of your life offers you countless opportunities and precious moments to experience love in all its bliss. Love is a golden thread that connects all life. When you give the love of yourself unselfishly and unconditionally, the universe brings love and happiness back to you. Think about the many ways you have been loved in your life. Rejoice in love for it is a precious gift of soul from family, friends, and everyone and all living things.

There is a wonderful sense of belonging and connectedness when you develop an intimate relationship with the beauty in nature and respect for all life. Love is the acceptance of oneness and togetherness. Love attracts love, goodwill, good fortune, and happiness. Whatever you love becomes a part of you. Even pets offer companionship, entertainment, and unconditional love. Touching, holding, and stroking a pet makes people feel calmer and happier. Whenever you interact with someone, create a heart-to-heart connection by imagining a brilliant ray of light flowing from your heart center to the center of their heart, uniting you as one ray of blissful consciousness. The circle of love becomes the heart of happiness by giving, receiving, and loving more fully. Gifts of the spirit that bring you and your loved ones together in happiness include: the gift of listening, the gift of affection, the gift of laughter, the gift of notes of love or appreciation; the gift of a compliment, the gift of compassion, the gift of kindness, the gift of a favor; the gift of solitude, the gift of patience, the gift of encouragement, and the gift of a cheerful disposition. The way you have loved yourself and others during your lifetime is the greatest gift you bestow upon yourself and the most significant element in attaining true happiness and the illuminating state of bliss. When you are in the state of blissfulness, all that is, is one pure love, and you are in a soul-centered state of happiness.

Sixth Key of Happiness is Jubilee - The Universal Law of Appreciation in Celebration

As you rush through life toward your desired destination, you may be oblivious to the good things and goodness happening in your life along the way. Take a moment to reflect on five things you appreciate about your life that perhaps you had not noticed before, such as your health, your family, your resourcefulness, your talents, your passions, your surroundings, your friendships, or your unanticipated opportunities, etc. Now reflect on what has become easier for you throughout the course of your life, such as your effectiveness, your communication skills, your intimate relationships, or your understanding, etc., and celebrate those things. Rejoice with others, the meaning of a life well-lived. Celebrate your life by hosting a joy party. Invite people to share the happiest moment of their life, with storytelling about what brings them joy and happiness. Include uplifting music and inspirational quotes to read, and complete your celebration by sharing what each person has learned and appreciates about their life, and the powerful impact a conscious state of happiness has in the enjoyment and fullness of life.

There is great power in being thankful. When you say “Thank-you”, you reinforce your consciousness at a deeper level. You have acknowledged that you have received something, that you are worthy of being given to, which makes you feel complete in the moment by giving you a sense of well-being, in the experience of happiness. Upon returning home from each day’s journey, you can respectfully honor your goodness, your success, and your life, when you pause a moment to acknowledge, and appreciate your arrival home to the safety of your sacred space. You are happy to be back home. You give yourself a homecoming welcome by celebrating your return home with genuine thankfulness. What is it about you that is so lovable? Allow yourself to feel love and appreciation for your life. This will strengthen your sense of self-worth, happiness and well-being. Jubilee is a formal or anniversary celebration to show love and appreciation for all that you are, and rejoice with others to honor all your life has become with gratitude. Send forth the positive, joyful thoughts and the loving feelings that you are experiencing today out into the universe, through prayers for happiness for all. This will raise the vibration of the power of thankfulness in this celebration of happiness. When you rejoice in great celebration to express genuine gratitude for your life, you are in a soul-centered state of happiness.

Seventh Key of Happiness is Contentment -

The Universal Law of Acceptance and Peace

As you live by your deepest personal values and code of ethics, let go of trying to control the outcome of your life. When you honestly accept each moment, you will be guided to a life of greatest possibilities for your true happiness. With conscious positive intent, focus on your highest good, and you will be supported with a life of contentment and a sense of serenity and peace within yourself. Deep at the center of your being is an infinite source of loving happiness. This is where you experience soul satisfaction, and living in the fullness of life. Contentment is choosing to be happy in this moment “as is”, and in each moment of life as it is presented to you. When you accept who you are, and accept your life at this moment without question, hesitation, or judgment, you will experience true happiness from this sense of contentment. Stay focused on what is most significant for you. There is quiet contentment is recognizing what it is that you cherish in your life and what you cherish about your life.

Fall in love with the world and you will experience a tremendous passion for living, as you become aware of and enchanted by all its peculiarities, idiosyncrasies, and natural wonders of life: the majesty, the flow, the rhythm, the beauty, the harmony, the unity, and the serenity of it all. You are reminded that life is constantly renewed at every moment through love. While being in this moment of peaceful awareness, give yourself permission to be yourself completely, and allow yourself to know the peace of a soul-centered state of happiness. Deep within you is a source of wisdom, purpose, meaning. As you remain mindful of the present moment, you will experience the power of now, and feel that divine connection to that which is infinite. The degree of happiness you experience comes from the feeling of all is right with the world and your place in it. Self-realization is fulfillment, illumination, and liberation in the conscious state of spiritual or divine happiness. This is it. Be alive in the present moment. Happiness is here to be experienced right now, in this very moment. This is your life.

Happiness is Your Birthright

Happiness is your birthright. What do you want more of in your life that would make you happy today? More peace, more rest, more fun, more leisure, more tranquility, more affection, more creativity, more inspiration, more excitement, etc.? Live with the question all day as to how you can have more of “it” in your life. What does “it” mean to you. Does “it” involve others, or is it internal? How would you know if you had “It”? As you contemplate on your daily happiness, answers may appear from somewhere unexpected, like a book, a song, or a comment on the radio or TV, or from a friend, or in a dream, or in a random thought in your mind. It is meant for you to follow your purpose, share your talents, and give love and joy to yourself.

Happiness is a Lifestyle

The art of happiness involves practicing daily. Practicing happiness allows it to return to you tenfold. When you are happy, you are more open to others and apt to treat them kindly, positively, and wish them more happiness in life. When you share your beliefs, attitudes and experiences of happiness and love, it automatically enhances, encourages, and enriches the conscious evolution of happiness for all of humanity.  No matter what is happening, you can choose to focus on what is right, good, best, helpful, and loving in your life that creates happiness within you. Don’t wait for “as soon as” or “someday when” for the opportunity to be happy. Authentic happiness is not based on externals because it comes from within, as it is always an internal choice. Use the power of visualization and create a day full of joy, smiling, and centered in calm awareness. When you shift your thoughts from “I just want to be happy” to say to yourself, “I choose to be happy now,” you are consciously living in a soul-centered state of happiness. Let this day of joy stretch into a lifetime of love, peace, and happiness.

Patricia M. Armour, Minding Your Spirit © 2000-2015

All rights reserved.

Mind Spa Wellness © 2015 All rights reserved.

For Local Clients: Our office is located in Baltimore, Maryland and Surrounding Areas in Maryland:

We are in Owings Mills, Baltimore County, and

We are near Baltimore City, Mt. Washington, Pikesville, Randallstown, Reisterstown, Westminster, Glen Burnie, Catonsville, Ellicott City, Columbia, Towson, Timonium, Cockeysville, Hunt Valley,  Parkville, White Marsh, Jessup, Silver Spring, Bethesda, Rockville, Frederick, Annapolis, and Washington, D.C.,

We are near Howard County, Carroll County, Harford County, Anne Arundel County, Montgomery County   

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Patricia M. Armour at 410-356-3377 Email: patricia@mindspamentor.com

Mind Spa Wellness

10806 Reisterstown Road, Suite 2A

Owings Mills, Maryland 21117