Patricia M. Armour
Mind Spa Wellness
10806 Reisterstown Road, Suite 2A
Owings Mills, Maryland 21117
CALL 410 - 356 - 3377
A Time to Quiet your Mind
A Place to Heal your Body
A Pathway to Renew your Spirit
A Mentor to Guide your Soul
A Philosophy to Transform your Life
Take the Journey of a Single Thought to…
Empowerment – Enlightenment – Excellence
Mentor Coaching • NLP Hypnosis • Mindfulness
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The Great Laws of Mind
-By Patricia M. Armour
The Principles or Rules by which the
Mind Communicates and Functions
1. The Mind Can Only Hold
One Thought at a Time:
You cannot have a positive and negative thought or emotion at the same time because one will always rule over the other. When two or more thoughts are attempted at once, the mind disassociates, the energy of emotions detaches, and you are stuck in your thoughts with hesitation, indecision, procrastination, and inaction. When the conscious mind recognizes an idea as true, correct, and guiding, it cannot hold an opposing scheme simultaneously. Example of this is... you cannot think defeat and be victorious. No idea is self-sustaining in the mind, so it must be nurtured and kept alive. Therefore, affirming positive, life-enhancing thoughts ultimately creates a positive outcome. Your life is a reflection of one thought at a time, like a digital snapshot of your present moment awareness.
2. What You Think is
What You Get:
Thought precedes reality. Whatever you focus upon, whether it is of an internal or external origin, is developed with absolute accuracy and becomes manifested into your life here, now, and the future. So notice what you are giving your attention to on a regular basis. Life is not solely determined by outward acts or circumstances because it is formed from the inside out. Each of us creates our own life path with our beliefs, ideas, and a habit of thought. When you change your thoughts, you change your life.
3. Mind-Set is a Matter of Choice:
A mind-set is basically the way in which you look at living. As we have all experienced, emotions and feelings affect our body, our health, how the body heals, and our behavior; and how we perform. Fortunately, we all have the innate ability to choose our frame-of-mind in any given situation or set of circumstances. The events that occur in our lives are purely neutral, until we have decided whether or not they are good or bad, which determines how we choose to respond. Also, when you develop an attitude of gratitude by choosing to appreciate what is now, regardless of what is happening, you open more positive opportunities to you because your choices determine how you live your life.
4. Imagination is More Powerful
than Knowledge:
Images reside in the subconscious psyche (88%). These images will always over-power what you think (12%). Reason is easily overruled by an individual’s imagination. Your thoughts lead your emotions. In fact, an idea accompanied by a strong emotion usually cannot be modified through analysis and reason. Example of this is reasonable knowledge and skill versus imagined fear and hope. Simply, whenever imagination and logic are in conflict, imagination wins. Therefore, you can also alter, amend, or delete an old idea that is no longer in alignment with who you are and what you want through the power of your imagination.
5. What is Expected Tends
to be Realized:
Your mind responds to mental images as a blueprint for the body to follow. It doesn’t matter if the stimuli is real or imagined because the subconscious does not differentiate between them, it recognizes them both as the same. If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right. “Believing is Seeing” is called the Law of Expectancy. When you believe in what’s possible, you succeed in achieving that goal. Therefore, if you expect good things to happen, you will tend to draw them to you, also known as the Law of Attraction.
Patricia M. Armour, Minding Your Spirit © 2000-2015
All rights reserved.
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As a thank you,
here is my “Five Natural Laws of Mind”
to guide and support you in your personal journey.
Learn these secrets to Mind Mastery over your Thoughts, Beliefs, Emotions, and Habits by Developing a High Performance Mind for Opitmal Thinking with these familiar insights and new thoughts on self-improvement and self-empowerment toward expressing your full potential and living your best life this year. Enjoy!
Patricia M. Armour, MHS, CHt., NLP
Mind Spa Wellness © 2015 All rights reserved.
For Local Clients: Our office is located in Baltimore, Maryland and Surrounding Areas in Maryland:
We are in Owings Mills, Baltimore County, and
We are near Baltimore City, Mt. Washington, Pikesville, Randallstown, Reisterstown, Westminster, Glen Burnie, Catonsville, Ellicott City, Columbia, Towson, Timonium, Cockeysville, Hunt Valley, Parkville, White Marsh, Jessup, Silver Spring, Bethesda, Rockville, Frederick, Annapolis, and Washington, D.C.,
We are near Howard County, Carroll County, Harford County, Anne Arundel County, Montgomery County
Contact Us:
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to schedule an appointment
Simply Tap on Phone Number or Email Link
Patricia M. Armour at 410-356-3377 Email:
Mind Spa Wellness
10806 Reisterstown Road, Suite 2A
Owings Mills, Maryland 21117